Site Info + Contact Me
Before the invention of the blog -- way before Facebook** -- the main outlet for self-expression on the www was the webpage, a.k.a. the home page, a.k.a. the personal website. One day I jumped on that virtual bandwagon, and here we are!
Today, I have over twenty websites, and I dabble in social media (see below), but I still maintain this little space, because for me, self-expression requires more than a cookie-cutter layout and Zuckerberg's choice of blue.
Contact the Webmistress
Images. Memories. Feelings. Opinions. Thousands of features and facets to which you could respond. You cried with me. You laughed *at* me. You recalled a similar experience. You were halfway amused. So, what are you waiting for? Whether you want to post your P.O.V. for public view or provide feedback to me only, below are a range of options for letting your thoughts be known.
- Like
- Click to Like This Website.
- Tweet
- me at and to make sure I see it, include #box47 in your tweet.
- e-Send
- Address is but (¹) replace the underscore with the correct ("at") symbol and (²) include the word eclectic in the subject line so that I won't mistake it for spam and ignore it.
- Reply
- to a post at one of my blogs: TV Toaster is for TV, movies, and more; rainshine has inspirational stories and such; or box47 is where I babble from time to time.
Waiting on a Response?
When a site visitor takes the time to contact me, I make an effort to respond. If you're waiting on a response from me, note the following:
- Did you include eclectic in the subject line, per the directions above? If not, I may have thought it was spam and deleted it unopened.
- Did you write to me at the address that is currently listed on this page? If not, the address may no longer work, so I never got your message.
- Did you use proper form for the e-address? That is, with the at symbol replacing _, in the address above?
- Did you send a large attachment? I'm very suspicious of e_correspondence from unknown sources, especially if it contains attachments. Please send a note without attachments first to let me know what you will be sending.
- Did you post at twitter, etc. instead of writing? I usually respond to the message where I receive it. If you e_mail, I e_mail back. If you tweet at me, I tweet back at you. And so forth.
- Did you follow me at twitter or at one of my blogs? Thank you! I will check you out, and if I like what you have to say, I will follow you back.
- Did you write to me a few hours ago? I have a life -- really, I do! -- and sometimes I'm away from the computer for several days at a time.
F O O T · N O T E D
** Yes, I'm also at Facebook, so if I know you in real life, look me up! Or, if my cloaking devices (that is, security settings) work too well, reach out to me via the ways above about Facebook friendship.
* The directory connects you with site content from A to Z.